It's billionaire galore here at HackerNoon as the top spots in this week's Tech Company Overview were dominated by megacorporations™. At this point, we're convinced that the rankings are just a pissing contest between billionaires to see who gets to be #1 (I mean, who wouldn't want to be on the top of Hackernoon's Tech Company Overview list, amirite guys. Uh.. guys??).

Anyway.. While we expected Apple to retain its #1 spot this week (uh, HELLO, the WWDC Conference), Amazon had other plans. With a 6% increase in trending interest, this week's reigning champion is none other than the daddy of all things e-commerce (but also like.. Cloud computing, eBooks, and uh.. Spying? Idk, I speak in a muffled voice around Alexa).
Way to go, Amazon! You're #1! And all you had to do was threaten to shut us down. HAHA. Just kidding you guys; we don't host HackerNoon on the Amazon Web Service™.
But it's been a busy week for Amazon nonetheless; the company announced plans to pull its Kindle business from the Chinese market and the man who turned Amazon into a worldwide delivery behemoth is leaving after 23 years. And then a report by Politico this past week on Amazon's lobbying efforts? Yeah. You bet the internet was buzzing with news.

Switching gears, last week we predicted that Microsoft may soon be out of the 'Top 5' because of a decline in interest. Nope. Not at all. I guess we owe Microsoft an apology because it's climbed all the way up to the #2 spot, baby! What an underdog 🥲.
There really wasn't much going on at Microsoft, or Windows, or Xbox this past week which would explain the measly 1.5% increase in trending interest — though the ranking is more indicative of how much others fell on the list rather than how much Microsoft gained. Nonetheless, there is some chatter on the internet about a remastered Goldeneye 007 and the upcoming Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase on June 12.

Last week's king, Apple, was usurped and pushed down to the #3 spot after a 9.6% decline in interest. The company kicks off its long-awaited annual Worldwide Developer Conference today and there's already stories about headsets, iPhones, and a Mac variant (oh, and Airpods. Let's not forget the Airpods!), but I guess none of that is interesting enough for the internet so… we're not going to bother talking about it either.

Meanwhile, Coinbase is doomed to remain the "Quad-chad" of the list because, you guessed it, it's still on the #4 spot. A global recession is (possibly?) afoot and companies who think it's cool to rake in millions of dollars based on bullsh*t projections are now scaling back on hiring and a bunch of other stuff.
So it's no surprise that Coinbase is pausing hiring for both new and backfill roles for the foreseeable future and rescinding a number of accepted offers. The reason? "Current market conditions and ongoing business prioritization efforts." You know, the thing executives say to sound sOpHiStiCaTeD. 😎

(Side note: while researching this article, we couldn't help but compare Coinbase founder and CEO Brian Armstrong with Superman's archnemesis Lex Luthor. But then we remembered that Jeff Bezos is pretty Luthor too, so, uh.. Is this a thing? Idk.)

Oh, by the way, you ever hear that story about the kid who cried woof! 🐶 No, I mean, wolf (sorry!). Yeah, cause that's what happened at Tesla — #5 on our list this week. The internet's defacto god Elon Musk thought it would be funny if he told everyone he wanted to slash jobs by 10% and then go "lol jkjkjkjk" just a few days later. What a chad.

Anywho, this was your Tech Company Overview. If you want to follow these rankings realtime, head on down here and also consider hitting that Like, Subscribe, Follow and dropping a comment down below and if you want to support me on Patre.. Oh, what's that? Wrong platform? Sorry. It's hard juggling between jobs at HackerNoon and YouTube.
But seriously though, head on down to the link if you want to get the ranking sent directly into your inbox weekly (just hit subscribe!). Peace! ☮️